The other night I was lying in bed reading the Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew. The part towards the end of the book when Digory, Polly, and Fledge are sent by Aslan to look for the secret garden. Upon finding the garden, Digory slowly opens the gate when the wicked Witch suddenly jumps over the wall into the garden startling Digory. Suddenly my bed violently began to shake, moving over an inch or two, and my mirror rippled from the bottom corner to the top. It sounded like a train was going to crash through my apartment building. "That was weird," I thought. It wasn't until the shaking started a second time a few seconds later that I realized what was going on. Earthquake! The floor was trembling when my feet hit it as I made a run for the front door. It felt like the apartments were going to fall down. The shaking had stopped by the time I had reached the front door. It was surprisingly peaceful outside. Nothing was disturbed. My phone started vibratin...