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Showing posts from November, 2019

a Rookie Mistake

The other day, I was reading through my blog posts realizing how depressing the last few have been. It think they reflect how difficult it has been this year especially in the past few months. There has been so much tragedy lately. So many losses from dengue and other culprits. Yesterday we lost a 20 yo otherwise healthy young man to complications of a brain injury from a car accident. He is the third young guy we have lost this year due to such accidents. Life is so fragile. We take life for granted when in reality we need to be ready to face eternity at any moment. I vowed to not talk about depressing things this month, but here I am! Let's change topics. I am going to tell you a funny and yet quite embarrassing story. Those of you who know me well might actually find it surprising that I had not done this sooner.  One of my many jobs here at the hospital is "Volunteers Logistics Coordinator". Once a potential volunteer has submitted their application and been proved...