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Left Behind

One of our new moms died this week leaving behind a beautiful premature baby girl. It was the first maternal death I have experienced in the three years that I have been here and quite possibly the first in the 20 year existence of the the hospital. It was tragic for all of those involved.
The culprit .... acute fatty liver of pregnancy. It used to be that this condition was 100% fatal but with so many incredible advances in technology it has lowered to 18% in the United States. That is still pretty high.
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy is a very rare condition that can happen toward the end of pregnancy or even up to a few days after delivery.  It happens when the expectant mother has a genetic disorder that causes the "cell's powerhouse, the mitochondira, are not breaking down fatty acids that help the body process proteins, carbohydrates, or lipids(fat). This causes fat molecules to build up in the essential organs such as the liver, kidneys, and even the placenta resulting liver and kidney failure, sepsis, and fetal stress. Like eclampsia, acute fatty livery of pregnancy is cured by immediate delivery of the baby. Sometimes even then it is too late.
Baby's heart rate showing how stressed she was
Argentina came last Wednesday at 34 weeks pregnant already in liver failure and very jaundice. Because she was so sick, the baby was suffering within her. The baby wasn't receiving the oxygen that she desperately needed from the failing placenta.  She was tachycardic with decelerations in her heart rate with every contraction. The baby needed to come out fast or she was going to die. I put an IV in the mom and gave her several different antibiotics in an effort in an effort to stabilize her and off to c-section we went.

Sweet baby "D" was born weighing 4 lbs 13 oz. After needing initial resuscitation to start breathing she proved to be quite the fighter and a very good eater. Mom didn't fair as well as baby "D". She survived the c-section but then continued to get worse over the next few days. Her vital organs continued to shut down and she received 7 units of blood.  In spite of a lot of prayer, a second emergency surgery, and the best care that we could give her, Argentina passed away 6 days after delivery. Her family said that she was not not a believer.

Prayer Requests
I have to be honest, it's been difficult lately. So many difficult cases and the hospital is short on doctors. Dengue is still reeking havoc on the community causing lots of admissions to the hospital. A 6 yo girl and a 19 year old young man have died from dengue and three women have lost their unborn babies from it. I have been discouraged by this lately. Wondering how God is working in this. We work so hard only to lose them in the end.

Pray for more long term doctors who commit to the care of these people both physically and spiritually.

Pray for the missionary staff as a whole that we don't lose sight of why we are here: not just to take care of these people physically but ultimately to share the gospel.

Financial provision is always a prayer request. I would not be here without you all! If you feel led to support me financially, please click here

Thank you for everyone who donated baby clothes! I have such fun making the gift bags for the new moms. The clothes are so cute! This will be an ongoing need as so many babies are born here.  If you are interested in donating baby clothes, please contact me or check out baby bags wish list on Amazon. Anything bought through the wish list will go directly to the shipping container to be brought down to the Hospital. How cool!


  1. I miss you and will continue to pray for you, Loma de Luz and the people of Honduras!


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